Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Group Presentation

Hi everybody,

We can surly all remember what we discussed in our group meeting this morning regarding our presentation. For the record here is our updated format. This might have missing some details that were on the white board, but I think you all know what's going on and what to do.



Introduction of the group (students)
Introduction of the task given
Introduction to the content of the presentation

Theory and Background Research

History of past project of public intervention (Elephant and Castle)
Reflection of involving local communities.

Influences from Photographers G. exhibition
Found photography
Growing work of art
Our approach to exhibiting work in relation to other exhibitions,
Inspirations from other exhibitions.

Influence of mobile phone technology
The camera phone and its impact on photography.
Everybody is a photographer.

Process, Practice and Studies

Former ideas and concepts
How did we apply our experience and research to the project at hand.
Creation of a project applicable to various locations (Problem of venue)
Feasibility Studies

Choice of venue
What options were there?
Why did we choose Hackney Empire

Clear explanation of planed project
Organisation through blogging and management

Tools for collection of images
Flickr and Bluetooth

Promotion through web site
Internet presence value

Funding research and practice

Technical practice on location
Equipment organization

Individual presentation of involvement in the team



Reflection on project
Can this concept be applied to other locations?
Where can we see this project working in the future?


Big Thank You to all

Sunday, December 9, 2007

bulletpoints for presentation

Hi everyone!

this is a further breakdoun of the indevidual section into bulletpoints.
Please try and stick to them as much as possible.
any problems give me a ring.

Individual presentation bullet point

Introduction to the presentation

  • Explaining the concept of the presentation.

  • Outlining the presentation structure.

  • Procedures and raising questions.


Historical view on Artistic interventions and the group as a community

  • Art intervention projects in communities.

  • Our group as a community of photographers.

  • The exhibition as interaction with the community.

Found photography as interaction with the community

  • The practice of found photography.

  • Collecting photography from people as social practice.

  • Returning the images to the community.

The Internet as a platform for artistic production

  • The ability to create on the internet.

  • How is it relevant to our project?

  • Evaluating our use of the medium (did we maximised its potential).

Jennie B:
The role of digital photography and mobile-phone photography
In the community

  • Mobile phone photography and the impact on photography.

  • Art photography in the age of mobile-phone photography.

  • Everybody is a photographer.

Flickr as archive and asocial networkspace

  • Adjusting flickr to work for us.

1. promotion through social networking
2. Archival roll of the site.
3. Creative common share and share alike.

Our approach to exhibiting work in relation to other exhibitions

  • Inspirations from other exhibitions

  • Combining new and old media in our exhibition.

  • Choosing the theme for the presentation boards and projection.

  • Evaluating our presentation model to communicate our ideas.

Jennie R:
Our management structure and digital tools of management

  • Group structure of management:
1. In theory
2. In practice

  • Digital tools of management.

  • Evaluation of our group management process.


Technical elements of production

  • Personal relationships with key personals.

  • Adjustments to conditions on the ground.

  • The art of predicting the future.

  • How did we work as a group?

The venue and publicity in the heart of Hackney community

  • The centrality of the venue in the hackney community.

  • Local publicity.

  • Other publicity actions.

Budget and fund rasing

  • Fund rasing structure.

  • What we did without money.

  • Evaluating our financial practice.



  • Coordinating questions.

  • Thanking peopl:
1. Pat.
2. Marie, Chris, David.
3. The Marie Lloyd staff.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Presentation outline

Hi everyone!

This is the current outline of our presentation.

Please identify your own parts in relation to the whole of the presentation and try to direct your talk to the relevancy of the subject in relation to our exhibition.

Some subjects can overlap and cause repetition or even conflict. Be prepare to spot it on Monday and adjust your parts accordingly.

In relation to the subjects themselves there might be some imbalance between talking about the theory and explaining our practice. Be prepare to adjust and change your individual presentation for the success of the presentation as a whole.

Remember that this is a group presentation therefor its success is measured by our work as a team and not our individual efforts. that will be assessed in other ways.

Presentation outline:

1. Aviv: Introduction to the presentation.

2. Patrick: Historical view on artistic production and collaborations in the context of community and our group project.

3. Jense: Found photography in relation to engagement with the community.

4. Peter: The internet as a digital tool of artistic production in relation to our exhibition.

5. Jennie B: The role of digital photography and mobile phone photography in our exhibition.

6. Ala: Flickr as archive and a social networking for our exhibition.

7. John: Our curatorial approach to exhibiting in relation to other exhibitions.

8. Jennie R: Our digital approach to Curatorial management.

9. Sandra: Outline of our management process.

10. Alana: The venue and publicity in relation to the community.

11. Zara: Budget and fund rasing.

Please contact me for any help in relation to the presentation.



Update Saturday 8th December 07

The Marie Lloyd bar was very busy this evening mainly from the Hackney empire show and the Cabaret act. The afternoon attracted mainly people attending the pantomime with small children from which we received some attention and people said even though they had no images on their phones but that they would come back tomorrow. 
This evening was busy mainly with people who came to watch the cabaret although interest was shown we did get some participation in wanting to choose which images to go on the boards.
We also had some promises from these people to come back tomorrow.

Patrick & Zara


I (Jennie) will talk to the venue on Sunday about what drinks and snacks we can serve at the Launch Night. We need to pay for this (they are very kind giving us some, and discount on what we buy) and I want to bring the money for them on Monday. If this is going to be taken care of in a professional way I relay on EVERYONE giving Jens money ON MONDAY! I 'm not going to pay up for it myself and should not even have to worry about it. I know people has given Jens some money already, the list here is just to point at how much everyone is supposed to raise in TOTAL. You probably have an idea of how much that is so far, if not contact Jens, he'll let you know. My personal opinion is that not bringing in the money, is quite disrespectful to Ala who provided us with the postcards. They were produced with the purpose to raise money!

Alana(3x16postcards) = 24pounds
Ala(1x16postcards) = 8pounds
John( 3x16posctards) = 24pounds
Jennie(3x16postcards) = 24pounds
Jens(3x16postcards) = 24pounds
Patrick(3x16postcards) = 24pounds
Peter(3x16postcards) = 24pounds
Aviv(3x16postcards) = 24pounds
Sandra(1x16postcards) = 8pounds
Zara(3x16postcards) = 24 pounds
Jenny contributes by doing the badges for us and putting in £10.

Total= 218pounds!!!!
Raised approx. £60
Missing approx. £160


Thursday, December 6, 2007


From Daniel - Pat.

Dear Jens, Jennie
sorry if you are not the right person to deal with that, perhaps you can look into it anyway.
I was contacted by Kathrine from the insurance company, she needs some details regarding the level of security at the venue. She wants to know if there is CCTV or 24 hour security. Additionally, she is under the impression that you need the insurance from 5 to 9 December, which I think is wrong, so she needs the correct dates.
Her phone number is 014 2547 0360. Could you call her quoting my name and give her the information she needs, as I don't have the answers.


Presentation Week 12

Can I please remind you all that if you do not do your presentation you will automatically forfeit 25% of the unit. Only provable absence will be valid ie. Doctors note etc!
So although it will be the morning after the launch…I expect you all there at 10am on the dot… bright eyed and bushy tailed!

A number of you have been asking me about what is expected of the group presentation…..so just to remind you, all the information is in the Unit Outline. It includes what the presentation should focus on, and how it will be assessed. It is outlined in great detail (including a break-up of the assessment percentages for the presentation), so please read it again carefully and take note!!

To all of you who were there installing the work on Tuesday well done! I think you have made a drab alcohol stained space (with weird rail-poles) look interesting.

Just one thing I forgot to mention that I noticed when I popped in yesterday…..when you are sitting there invigilating/waiting for submissions don’t have your back turned to the rest of the bar…sit there facing out as it were, as you want to be approachable whether it is to submit photos or just to ask about the show!
I’m sure I also don’t need to remind you to be conservative on the alcohol intake whilst invigilating….you are there working and ‘on duty’ representing the University.

Good luck and see you at the launch.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Hackney Today Issue 173

This issue can now be downloaded via their website

Hackney Today Issue 173

They've got the times messed up AGAIN! Not happy.


Monday, December 3, 2007


present: Patrick, Zara, Jenny, Jens, Ala, Pete, Jennie and later Sandra, John and Aviv.

Tuesday 4 p.m. in the Marie Lloyd Bar! Preparation.

For Friday 7th (MEETING AT 10 a.m. in Keyworth) everyone needs to prepare what to say on the presentation, so we can start putting it together in a good order, start practice and detect any missing linking. Aviv will co-ordinate the presentation and make a power-point presentation.
Presentation rehersal MEETING at Monday 10th in Keyworth at 10 a.m.

We decided to make the presentation in two rounds. The first round will be about things like the idea, influences, strategies etc and the second will focus more on the work-functions we have been dividing in between us, remember we're not just describing what we've done, that part also needs referencing and backing up.

This is some of the things we've decided people are responsible for. Prepare for Friday meaning you should roughly know what you will be saying on the topic.

Community: Patrick
Found photography: Jens
Digital photography: Jenny
Hackney community: Zara and Alana
Flickr: Ala
Relevant exhibitions: John
Online exhibiting: Peter, Jennie
Project management: Sandra

When the editing of the magazine is finished (hopefully Tuesday 4th) Jens, Ala, Jenny and Jennie will work preparing everything for In Design and make the pre-press preparations.

Sandra has talked to the venue people about the drinks and they will put in some free bottles of wine and we'll get discount on what we buy. MONEY FOR THE POSTCARDS FOLKS!!!

Jenny and Jens go sort out paying the insurance with Daniel.


Account Balance Update


Ala S. - £ 5,00
Alana L. - £ 5,00
Jennie R. - £19,80
Jenny B. - £10,00 (+badges)
Sandra M. - £ 9,00
Pat N. - £ 6,50 (set of postcards)
Zara D. - £10,00
??? - £ 1,51

Paid out

Tape - £ 1,00 (bought by Jenny R.)

Total - £65,81

P.S. Pete, pls come back to me on the expenses on the web site.


Sunday, December 2, 2007


Created by: Jenny Brannigan, John Brown, Peter Darch, Zara Davis, Alana Lang, Sandra Madiot, Jens Poloczek, Aviv Ron, Jennie Rosberg, Ala Sokolowska, Patrick Tubridy

Launch night: 11th December to 14th December 2007 from 12-11 pm

Hackney in Focus is an experimental photographic exhibition by a group of undergraduate Digital Photography students from the London south Bank University that challenges and questions the traditional roles of the photographer in contemporary society.

The ability to capture images in every day life through mobile phones or other devices and the development of transmission technologies such as Bluetooth, have opened up new opportunities for people to engage with and communicate through visual imagery of their environment. The practice of interpreting the world through photography, which has been traditionally been considered to be the exclusive role of the ‘street photographer’, is now open to everyone.

The students’ collaboration has produced a unique concept for gathering and exhibiting photographic images taken by the students themselves and by members of the community. Using the popular online tools of a dedicated blog, website and Flickr account, the group has coordinated the collection of hundreds of images relating to the area of Hackney. In addition, for five evenings leading up to the launch night, a digital work station will be available at the venue for the public to submit their images directly. The exhibition itself will include a digital projection of images and a selection of prints from the submitted pool of images.

Hackney in Focus is a celebration of the possibilities offered by the wider availability of photographic means in our everyday lives. It represents an image of Hackney through the eyes and lenses of potentially anyone. As photographers the collaborative group of students embraces the challenges presented by the new digital technologies on their future careers and this is their attempt to engage and explore this further.

To submit your photos of Hackney via the internet log on to www.hackneyinfocus.co.uk and follow the relevant link. You will need to have or create a Flickr account in order to do so.
Alternatively you can visit the Marie Lloyd Bar from 5.12.07- 9.12.07 4-8pm and submit your images via memory cards, CDs, DVDs or from your mobile phone via Bluetooth

Venue: The Marie Lloyd Bar, Hackney Empire, 289 Mare Street, London E8 1EJ
Nearest train station: Hackney Central
Further information contact: Patrick Tubridy

Further break down of proposal for presentation .

Sunday, December 2, 2007
Further break down of proposal for presentation.

Proposal as to how we could present the presentation:

Critically http://www.blogger.com/img/gl.bold.gif evaluate our curatorial approach,

Aims and objectives
Links to previous units - spanning back to first year

• Why community? - Association to our background as being digital photographers (how it has changed/ perceptions of digital photography and how every one can be a photographer/ what new media technology has introduced and accessibility) and from there the idea that everyone can be a photographer.



Venue - links back to the community - regeneration/ gentrification - it also acts as an archive

• Venue – reason we chose m-l for exhibition, (its centrality to the Hackney social landscape – its historical connection to Hackney)

(ICONIC-STATUS of the hackney empire- bridging gap of the community by using common ground)

• Curatorial method of exhibition – drift – creation of web sites and flicker and blog. Presentation method- prints + projection.
What do readings say? Reference - what the group thoughts were on it - route took, why?
Did we use combination of theory/ideas?

Collaborative working methods and project management (See Trading Places in Shifting Practices,)
Ruth Claxton – artist led space.

Based around reading, critically review, reading and place groups stance within it
Why? How this influenced the collaboration?

Action groups

• Budget
• Printing
• Designs
• Technical issues
• Web sites and blogs.
• Communication

Project management of the exhibition event,

• Putting up of work
• Gathering images in venue
• Invigilating


Saturday, December 1, 2007

Proposal as to how we could present the presentation,

Proposal as to how we could present the presentation,

Critically evaluate our curatorial approach,
Aim’s and objectives.

• Why community, - association to our background as being digital photographers and from there the idea that everyone can b a photographer

• Venue – reason we chose m-l for exhibition, (its centrality to the hackney social landscape – its historical connection to hackney)

• Curatorial method of exhibition – drift – creation of web sites and flicker and blog. Presentation method- prints + projection.

Collaborative working methods and project management. (See trading places in Shifting Practices,)
Ruth Claxton – artist led space.

Action groups

• Budget
• Printing
• Designs
• Technical issues
• Web sites and blogs.
• Communication

Project management of the exhibition event,

• Putting up of work
• Gathering images in venue
• Invigilating


Friday, November 30, 2007


Money from the postcards sale needs to go towards the cost of the insurance...so when you meet on Monday enough money has to be handed over to Sandra so that she can take out the insurance.


Exhibition installation

I went to the Marie Lloyd bar today and took note of a couple of things:

1)The picture rails have not been installed yet (but they were putting up christmas decorations!). Did they say exactly when the rails would be up? You do not want to get there on Tuesday and have to wait for the rails to be put up before you can install. Please contact them and make sure that they will be up by the end of Monday!

2)Lighting! I noticed that 5 of the lights in the space were not working. They need to replace the bulbs so that each board is individually lit,and that you are allowed to angle them towards the boards. Again inform them about this before you turn up on Tuesday!

Lastly...Please make sure you get insurance before you take any equipment over!

See you there on Tuesday at about 3pm...any emergencies Ala has my mobile number.


Notes from meeting .












missing money from postcards

Alana(3x16postcards) = 24pounds
Ala(1x16postcards) = 8pounds
John( 3x16posctards) = 24pounds
Jennie(3x16postcards) = 24pounds
Jens(3x16postcards) = 24pounds
Patrick(3x16postcards) = 24pounds
Peter(3x16postcards) = 24pounds
Aviv(3x16postcards) = 24pounds
Sandra(1x16postcards) = 8pounds
Zara(3x16postcards) = 24 pounds
Jenny contributes by doing the badges for us.

Total= 200pounds!!!!

and how much do we have so far??? 60pounds? So to be able to pay towards the drinks and snacks for the launch night we need the remaining £140! So please bring the money for Jens on Monday!! Jens has notes of who has given him money and how much.

/Ala and Jennie

Thursday, November 29, 2007

mail to Pauline Muir


My Name is Sandra Madiot, I am a 3de year digital photography student. We are organising an exhibition in Hackney starting on the 05/12/07. Suzy redirected me to you, hoping you could help me with the equipment insurance. I have contacted few of them and my best quote so far is:

Cover Premium

-Public Liability Up to 100people: £55.00

-Hired in Event Property for £2500 equipment:£50.00

Total Premium £105.00

I would appreciate any help you could offer me.

Regards, Sandra Madiot

Meeting with Suzy

Please see below email Suzy sent me today - Pat -

Dear all

I met Jens and John this morning to discuss the support we could give them for the Hackney Empire project

AME will pay for

10 large foam boards – Gordon to purchase using AME credit card/purchase order

10 large format prints using Keyworth printer – AME to cover cost

Pins – Jens/John to buy and give us receipt to reimburse if expensive

Insurance – Jens/Daniel to check what Hackney Empire covers and purchase additional insurance if needed – Pauline Muir can provide names of suitable insurance companies

Students will pay for

Wine etc for opening

Invitation will be email/PDF – Suzy to check copy before it is sent out

Looking forward to seeing the project




Cover Premium

Public Liability Up to 100people: £55.00

Hired in Event Property for £2500 equipment:£50.00

Total Premium £105.00

Can be book online

Equipment insure from the 05/12/07 to 11/12/11


Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Photos of Hackney!!

Hi, Tomorrow please bring me your photos of Hackney(from Fridays drift) save them as a original file, only jpegs please.
I will print them in the end of the week, so make sure you bring them tomorrow, so far John B gave me his file.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Suggestion for pre - presentation .

Critical Evaluation of the groups conceptual and theoretical curatorial approach outlining the aims and objectives ,collaborative working methods and project management of the exhibition event ,

A break down of the areas to concentrate on in relation to the presentation ,
  1. Curatorial ,theoretical approach = what is the theory behind our exhibition = why hackney why community , why /how we showed community , why we chose what we did to show everyone could be a photographer
  2. Method , ( drift , collected images from people taken in the area , ) all the things we did to create the exhibition , )
  3. Digital approach =( digital - ie mobile phones , technical and also theory ,
  4. Practical work . Overall, financial,location , prints, flyer's, who did what , ? how we did what , how was it organized , .,tech , prints , etc,
Each of these areas have to be subdivided and broken down into manageable piece for us to be able to construct a feasible presentation .


Meeting Tomorrow at Keyworth

Hi all ,
tomorrow at the Keyworth building we have a meeting at 1o o/c , we are having it early as the amount of issues we need to discuss will take a little longer than normal now that we are approaching the date of the exhibition ,

Tomorrow we can choose what images to display and what order we can display them , from the image we have at the moment,

It is everyones interest to attend as the participation in this and everything else to do with the exhibition will go towards 25% of our final mark , as does the collaboration work between us that goes into the presentation ,

SO ! there is the approaching Presentation !!!!

As you all know we do not get marked on the exhibition it self - but our first marks 25 % come from our presentation , focusing on

Critical Evaluation of the groups conceptual and theoretical curatorial approach outlining the aims and objectives ,collaborative working methods and project management of the exhibition event ,

We have two weeks to prepared so tomorrow we need to discuss our approach , and how we are going to organize it .

It is vitally important that everyone attends tomorrows not alone as a matter of their own mark but as a responsibility that everyone has to the group.


Thursday, November 22, 2007

Hackney Today Issue 172 PDF file

Check us out in the current issue of Hackney Today Newspaper! They cut few words out though. Nevertheless, it's still clear for viewers to understand and more importantly, our exhibition is advertised!


Download PDF here: Hackney Today

I will update it for the next issue - it's more or less the same.

I'll show everyone where we can collect a copy of the Newspaper on Friday when we meet for our drifting and museum.


Another thing, I contacted this guy from Photomonth via facebook regarding whether we can post our exhibition ad up on their website, www.photomonth.org. Users subscribed to their group in facebook also gets updated on photographic exhibitions happening in East London. His reply:

Hi Alana,

Thanks for getting in touch, your project sounds very interesting. Although the exhibition is outside the official dates for photomonth we may still be able to list you on the photomonth website. To do so I need the following infomation:

Event name, event description (100 words max), venue name, venue url, venue address, opening times, start date, end date, artist/group name, artist/group url, transport info (nearest tube/bus), up to five images to choose from to be used in the listing.

The quickest way would be to email me at nednet@hotmail.com.

Good luck with everything and I look forward to hearing from you.



Which 5 images do you suggest I should submit?


Press Review update

this is the version that will be sent out on Monday.
Please post comments as soon as possible so changes ca be made.



Press Review

Hackney in focus

Created by: Jenny Brannigan, John Brown, Peter Darch, Zara Davis, Alana Lang, Sandra Madiot, Jens Poloczek, Aviv Ron. Jennie Rosberg, Ala Sokolowska, Patrick Tubridy.

Launch night: 11.12.2007 from 6pm
Exhibition runs from: 11.12.2007 - 14.12.2007 12- 11 pm

Venue: The Marie Lloyd Bar
Hackney Empire
289 Mare Street
London E8 1EJ

Nearest train station: Hackney central

“Hackney in focus” is an experimental photographic exhibition that challenges and put in to question the traditional rolls of the photographer. The availability of the digital camera in the every day life as part of a mobile phone or as a separate device, together with advanced transmition technologies such as Bluetooth open new opportunities for people to engage and communicate through the visual images of their environment. The practice of interpreting the world through photography, which was traditionally considered to be the exclusive role of the “street photographer”, is now available and can be performed by everyone.

The exhibition is the fruit of labour of a group of third year digital photography student at London south bank university. This collaboration produced a unique concept for gathering and exhibiting photographic images that were taken by the students themselves and by other members of the public. Using available popular online tools such as a blog, web site, and a Flickr account the group coordinated the collection of over 400 images relating to the area of hackney. In addition a setup will be available inside the venue five evenings prior to the opening night for the purpose of gathering images directly from mobile phones via Bluetooth. The exhibition itself will include a slide show projection and selected prints from the pool of images.

“Hackney in Focus” is a celebration of the ability and availability of photographic means in our everyday life. It represents an image of hackney through the eyes and lenses of potentially anyone. As photographers the collaborative group embrace the challenges presented by the new digital technologies on their future careers and it is their attempt to engage and explore this issue.

To submit your photos of hackney on the internet log on to: www.hackneyinfocus.com and follow the relevant link. You will need to have a Flickr account in order to do so.
Alternatively bring your mobile phone images to the Marie Lloyd Bar from 5.12.2007 – 9.12.2007 4-8pm and Bluetooth them directly to a computer on the premises.

Please leave a comment as soon as posible.



Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Flickr group

I have changed the About text in the flickr group to be more descriptive. I have also promoted the 'Hackney in Focus' member as an admin, which means that we can all access the administration of the group through the 'Hackney in Focus' flickr account that Ala just set up.


I am having difficulies to find insurance for the equipment. Any idea on where to look. Never done it before so... help would be good.


Foam Boards

Just so you know, me and Ala have been to the art-shop in London Road asking for sponsorship on foamboards already (and leaving flyers), so you don't go there asking to... /Jennie


present: Pat, Sandra, Jennie, Ala, Alana, Patrick, Aviv and Peter.

Next meeting will be in Hackney. We'll meet outside the Hackney Museum at 3 pm on Friday (23rd) and together we'll go see 'Discover the world on your doorstep' (read Ala's previous post about it). The suggestion is that everyone goes drifting in Hackney before we meet and after the museum visit we go to the Marie Lloyd bar to check it out after the renovation and to discuss the exhibition. We will also bring flyers and find places we can leave them at.

The draft that Zara made seemed to need more explaining of the idea (after looking at an example of a released press release). Aviv will compose something more to add to it and post it on the blog on Friday for everyone to give feedback (before Sunday!).

Ala will send Patrick the logo header to include in the letter (that will be a word doc) and a .pdf version of the flyer that will go out with the letter.
If you want it to be sent somewhere specific, e-mail Patrick the address.

Patrick will subscribe to the Art Council England to be able to post the press release through them, that will go out on their mailing list.

It seems the liability part will be covered by the venue (still need confirmation though) but we know for sure the equipment is not covered by any part. Sandra has got a list of the things and will check what it costs to insure it during the period we use it.

We discussed the meaning of displaying the same images on the projector as in printed format and agreed on selecting images specifically for the projector. This way we can think more carefully on how these photos get a meaningful context in relation/opposition to the printed photos. We also get around the problem of having a computer connected to the projector, using a DVD looping the slideshow. Sandra will have a look at what DVD player we can use.

Jennie posts more descriptive information of the exhibition and how to submit photos on the Flickr group.

Everyone approaches at least two companies asking them to sponsor the exhibition with 10 30*40 inches 10 mm thick (preferably) foamboards. We can offer logo in catalogue, on some posters, the web site and on the wall in the venue.

Alana will contact photomonth.org to see if they can get us on their listings. Alana will also write another advert for the next issue of Hackney Today - deadline on Friday. Everyone distribute flyers.

If you haven't sold your postcards you will have to pay for all of them yourselves (50p each). They were specifically printed for us to sell and raise money to the exhibition, not to keep them ourselves!


NLB Time Change

Hi there, good to see you the other day.
I have checked in with sheik and he is looking for contract.
He informs me that the dates 4-8 on the 5th 6th and 7th have to be changed because of the cabaret. So you can have the space for two hours 4-6
And yes we are open on Saturdays because of the pantomime.
On the 14th there is a party booked so it would just be your photographs, but from what I understand that's ok with you anyway.
Will keep in touch and will badger him about the contract.
regards maria

The venue keep on changing dates and times, its becoming hard to managed. I am arranging a meeting with Maria on Friday at the MLB. Please feel free to come and discuss it with us.

:\ Sandra

foam core boards

I did some research regarding the foam boards, sent some emails to different companies, the one which is the cheaper is diyframind
so in the worst case scenario we will have to buy them, for a pack of 10 20x30in 10mm(the biggest they do) it will cost us 46.20 so keep selling the postcard as we might have to spend some money.
anyway on Friday me and Jennie we will go and talk to managers in Cass Art and Graphics.


Couple of things...

to mention.

Hopefully fixed the niggles with the website: if you find any let me or Jennie know. Pat and Sandra I have reentered the slideshow code. Hopefully that will help can't think of any other reason why yours didn't show, sorry.

For those of you that wern't there today we are all going to try to take more pictures on Friday and then meet up at the Hackney Museum at 3pm to learn a bit more about the area.

If you have been useless at selling your postcards like me bring some with you because I have arranged for us to leave at the Tab shop at university.



today me and Jennie we contacted Silverprint in Valentines Place regarding the sponsorship for the foam board, unfortunately the don't do foam board, on Friday we will go to Covent Garden and we will try to contact some arts shops over there but can you all please put some effort in looking for a sponsorship in getting the foam boards, in return we can offer them their logo in catalogue and in posters.


HackneyInFocus flicr user

I've created HackneyinFocus user on flickr(In case we have to upload some photos during the exhibition to hackneyinfocus group and the person submitting the photo is not a flickr user and doesnt have the flick account, so it will appear on the flickr group page under the HackneyInFocus name so we don't have problems...)
anyway to log in to flickr as HackneyInFocus, the yahoo Id Is: hackney.infocus
and password is the same as for the blog.


Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Press release

Just a rough idea. feel free to change anything....

A new photographic exhibition about the community of Hackney.

Hackney in Focus is a photographic exhibition designed by third year photography undergraduate students from London south bank university, exploring the idea that anyone can be a photographer.

They are inviting the general public to submit their images of Hackney to be in with a chance of exhibiting those same images alongside the students at the Marie Lloyd bar underneath the Hackney Empire. Images can be from a mobile camera to professional SLR’s and everything in between. Images can be submitted via the web or at Marie Lloyd bar between 5th – 9th December 2007. The exhibition opens from Tuesday 11th December 2007 and runs until Friday 14th December 2007.

For more information please visit www.hackneyinfocus.co.uk

Or please call ------- for more information

* I'm also having trouble creating a myspace page. For some reason its not letting me create an account with my email or the exhibition one. Can someone try to create an account for me please? I'll do the rest.



Now that we are coming to the time of exhibiting , i would like to suggest that we consider looking forward to the presentation , for this we can begin to sketch out what we may need in relation to the presentation and how best to organize the material needed for it , maybe we can allocate a time as to when we can discuss it tomorrow .

Patrick .

Monday, November 19, 2007

Hackney in Focus Web Site

It is up and running, not perfect, we need to sort some things out with how it runs on Firefox (looks reallly strange). It works fine on Safari. Please can you try it on Internet Explorer and others and leave us some feedback for adjustments. There is also a wordpress blog up: hackneyinfocus.wordpress.com for documenting the exhibition. Same password as for this one.
/Jennie and Peter

Saturday, November 17, 2007


Hi Sandra, Marie Lloyd almost completed, just additional tables and sofas to come.
Still trying to ok the problem of 'hanging photographs'.
Just looking in the diary and it appears that on the 12th there is a christmas party booked form 12 to 2.30.. So the 11th would probably be your last day.
On the 7th 8th and 9th there is a cabaret evening, but I did mention that weekends we get quite busy both upstairs and downstairs.
This should not trouble you if over the weekend you just want to display photographs.
During the day times using the projector should be ok, but obviously busy evenings could pose a problem.
I think that we should just do it and see where the problems are afterwards and make adjustments accordingly.
Will contact you early next week, any problems call me ok.
regards maria

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

finished flyer

So finally we have the finished design, going for printers tomorrow:)


present: Pat, Sandra, Jennie, Ala, Jenny, Jens, Zara and John.

Daniel turned up to give us feedback from Suzy on what posts on our list are more possible/less possible to get funding for from the University, and what we need to do next.

- We need to try and get the foam boards sponsored by a shop or a company. If that is not possible, we might be able to get it funded by the University.

-Printing of press release letters, envelopes and postage will be covered for by the University.

- The exhibition rail will be paid for by the University. Sandra and John contacts Gordon (who will order it) if it has not been installed by the Venue already.

- Printing of photographs for the walls can possibly be solved by the University letting us borrow one of their printers. The University will also supply us with ink and paper. Jenny and Jens (?) contacts Chris to check the details and possibilities.

- Funding for the catalogue kind of comes down to whether we want to put the money on this now or on a final year show catalogue. Everyone seemed to agree that it is better to save the money for the latter. We still want to do the post catalogue but cut the printing down to a few ex to send to sponsors. It will still be possible for people to order it from LULU.

- Daniel also raised the issues of insurances. We need to get the equipment we borrow insured since we are responsible for it when it leaves the University. There might also be issues of liability if someone gets hurt on the equipment. Sandra and John checks with the Venue tomorrow what will be covered by them and what's not. What's not we need to get insurance for. Sandra forwards info to Jenny and Jens who calls different insurance companies to check what it will cost.

For next week Zara will make a draft for a press release letter and we will have a look at it together in the Wednesday session.
Zara also creates a Hackney in Focus MySpace and makes friends to promote the exhibition.

Sandra and John visits venue to see what it looks like, confirm the dates and checks insurance and arrangement possibilities/restrains after the renovation.

Jenny and Jens will e-mail Suzy of what we will do next to work towards the funding, and asks for digital file logo. They will also contact insurance companies for price examples.

Peter and Jennie works on getting it finished for Monday.

We finally have the correct details as a print ready file. Ala will hand it over to Photobox for printing tomorrow.

We will print the flickr photos for next week so we can start going through them.

Jennie will set up a new blog (perhaps wordpress) that we can use as an exhibition diary and post photos of our preparations and the actual exhibition


Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Resonance FM forum post

Its similar to the email but just wanted to let everyone know what was said... also on the forum(feel free to check it out) i replied to a topic called 'Home Sweet Hackney' this person too is trying to promote Hackney so hopefully they will be interested and take part

A post to all artist/ photographers and lovers of both.
I'm part of a group of 3rd year digital photography students and at present we're curating a exhibition of Hackney. It will be displayed in the Marie Lloyd bar of the Hackney Empire.

The nature of the exhibition is to take photographs of
Hackney, be it done with an SLR, compact or a mobile
phone camera... This is to explore the idea that
everyone can be a photographer.

We would really like as many people as possible to get
involved as the exhibition depends on the participation of the public.

I thought perhaps resonance listeners would be intrested in such a project!

If you would like to take part in this all you need to do is take a few images of Hackney which perhaps show how you feel about the borough(whatever you decide) and then you can either upload them to flickr.com if you have an account or our website from the 19th Nov(find below) or call into the Marie Lloyd Bar between 4-8pm from the 5/12/07- 9/12/07 (if you submit them this way just bring the digital file and we will print them or if its from a phone you can bluetooth it to us).

The images you submit will have the chance to be
displayed in the final exhibition as well as being
included in our catalogue and website. The final exhibition opening is on the 11/12/07 between 4-8pm. This could be a brilliant opportunity to have your photographs displayed in a exhibition...

You can find more information about what we are doing

http://www.flickr.com/groups/507780@N25/ (Hackney in
Focus group-you can upload images here)

www.hackneyinfocus.co.uk (only available from 19th Nov)

If you have any other questions just post back...
I hope you're interested and would like to take part, look forward to hearing from you.


Hackney museum

doing my research about Hackney I come across very interesting article(unfortunately it was in polish magazine) about Hackney Museum I think we should go there as they have very 'useful' exhibition for our project. One of their permanent exhibitions is :

Discover the world on your doorstep

Hackney Museum features exciting new displays on the history of immigration to Hackney over the past 1000 years.

The museum looks at the stories of some of the amazing range of people that have made their homes here from Saxon times onwards. Their stories are brought to life with interviews capturing the experiences of real people which visitors can listen to on handsets situated throughout the display.

Hackney's tradition of welcoming newcomers means that its history encompasses a wide variety of stories. The new displays reveal this diversity through a range of fascinating interviews, images and objects. Some, like a child's sculpture from Sierra Leone or a propaganda sheet from Nazi Germany, powerfully illustrate the forces that have driven people to leave their homes. Others, like the contents of a Yiddish printing business, show the opportunities people have found here to make a living and start new lives.

But the museum is not just about objects in glass cases. There are lots of 'hands-on' activities designed to make it a lively and fun place for children to visit. You can have a go at loading a Saxon boat, try on historical costume, bring spooky ghosts to life and try your hand at making Victorian matchboxes against the clock.
The museum is also equipped with the latest computer technology. Touch screen computers let you visit on line exhibitions, map your family history, take a virtual tour of a Victorian home and eavesdrop on the fascinating memories of local people from around the world.

The displays cost nearly £400,000 to build and were entirely funded by a grant from the National Lottery.

* TUES, WEDS, FRI: 9.30am - 5.30pm. THUR: 9.30am - 8pm, SAT: 10am - 5pm. Closed: SUN, MON and BANK HOLIDAYS.
* Fees: Free Admission.
* Practice Boundaries: Hackney.



Please read Pat's comment and let me know tomorrow if we should as Lo-tec to change it or not as on Thursday I want to put it on a Photobox system for printing.
Today Lo-tec emailed me another version of flayer, it's the same but with minor change.Have a look and be prepared for tomorrows discussion.

finished design of flayer

Hi, Oli from Lo-tec send me a finished version of photo flayer, please check at as I will send it of for printing tomorrow(so by Friday we should have some prints and rest of them next week together with posters)

Monday, November 12, 2007


present: Zara, Sandra, Patrick, Ala, Jennie and Peter.
The meeting felt a bit informal since there was only a few of us there, but nevertheless it was a meeting...

Wednesday session.

The deadline for the web-site is November 19th. We decided the flyers should be done by then as well. That gives us two weeks to promote the event. The 19th is also the date when it will be advertised in the Hackney local paper.

Ala will e-mail Lo-tec the info they need for making the flyer designed print-ready + the Photobox logo that needs to go on it. She will also ask for Lo-tec's logo for the web-site and a digital file of the flyer so Peter and Jennie can try to incorporate it in the web-design.

The dates have not been a 100% confirmed. It's been difficult for Sandra to get it confirmed since no one is working in the venue until the 15th due to the ongoing renovation. But basically they have said it is okay.

Sandra and John will go to the venue and see what it looks like after the renovation on Thursday. Are the rails up?

How is it going? Awaiting info from Jens and Jenn.

We need logos from our collaborating partners. So if you do get sponsorship from a company make sure to get a digital file logo for the web-site.

If everyone sells their postcards for 50 p each it makes approximately £230 in total, which is quite a lot of money! Come on and make an effort selling them! We need the money!

Jennie and Peter has to finish the web-site soon that means everyone needs to send:
1. Square shaped image of themselves (small file)
2. The e-mail address they want published on the site
3. The addresses to Flickr and/or to your Portofolio- site (if you have one)

Send this to jennierosberg@yahoo.co.uk.
This is the third time this request has been posted and just a few persons have responded so far.


Sunday, November 11, 2007

Just recieved

i just received this so- we are set to print tomorrow (after Ala answers these Qs


Yes i did, all more or less sorted this end, just two things - do you
have or can you provide us with, a logo for the people who are doing the
printing for you ( i think you wanted it to put onto the flyer ?) and
just whether the printers need us to allow a bleed on the flyers, if so
how much - we are assuming also that a jpg will be a suitable file for
them to work from - as im sure you know sometimes particular places have
particular preferences so could you double check this as well then we
can save amendments later - all the artwork is finished though so
tomorrow shouldnt be a problem at all





Sorry guys as of 22;45 i have not heard anything back from LO-TEC even after contacting them to-day saying that we needed something back for the printers , i will wait till tomorrow and we can make a decision together as to our next move

Patrick .

Saturday, November 10, 2007


Hi sandra, thanks for e-mail shouldn't see that there will be a problem with the dates.
Will run it past empire management at the end of next week as we are still closd until thursday 15th November. Will be in contact then.
cheers maria.

Magazine Listings

This is what I'm emailing to the magazines we want a listing in. Is it ok, I've never placed a listing before so don't know how to go about the email and cant find info on it on the site so hope this is ok...

To Whom It May Concern,

We are 3rd year Digital Photography students at the London South Bank University and at present we are preparing to curate an exhibition from the 5th till 11th December’07.
Our aim is to involve the local community of Hackney in taking photographs of their immediate environment. In order to encourage people to look at their surroundings differently we are promoting photography from digital cameras as well as mobile phones. The collaborative work is a progress between students and community members and will be the body of work displayed. This means that the exhibition will be a growing piece of work using images from both parties.

Listing: Marie Lloyd Bar (upstairs) of Hackney Empire 289 Mare St,
E8 1EJ 'Hackney in Focus' 5-11Dec

Friday, November 9, 2007

Links web page

Just a reminder for you to send me a photo of yourself (will be square shaped so crop yourself or I'll do it) along with address to portfolio or flickr. Also, if you want me to put your e-mail up send me that as well. Don't know yet if there will be room for the 'example of your photograpy' photo but please send me it anyway so I have something to work with...

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Submission of listing in Hackney Today - Issue 172

Event/Listing, Arts & Entertainment
- ‘Hackney in Focus’ Photographic Exhibition
Date: 5th Dec – 9th Dec (submission of images – watch the growing process image of Hackney)
11th Dec (Official Opening of Exhibition)
Time: 4pm – 8pm
Venue: Marie Lloyd Bar (upstairs), Hackney Empire, 289 Mare St,
E8 1EJ

Brief description (no more than 50 words)

Photography exhibition curated by 3rd year Digital Photography students at LSBU - brings together images of ‘Hackney’ by the local community (progressive over submission period). With the use of digital cameras and camera mobile phones, now everyone is a photographer. To take part, please submit your images via the website.

Contact Info: www.hackneyinfocus.co.uk / lsbu.exhibition07@gmail.com


This will also be listed in the next issue. If anything needs changing or I've left any important details, please let me know by midnight otherwise I will send this one. Cheers!


Letter to LO_TEC


so far it seems to be the second one that is popular ,

with few changes , as the work for the event is to be collected from the public we will be accepting submissions from the 5th - 9th , with the opening on the 11th ,

- also we still lik the slogan =(SHOW ME YOUR'S !)


The dates the group have decided to go for is:
2-3 December - Preparation
5-9 December, between 4-8 pm every day- Collecting and putting up work in venue.
10 December - Summerise and properly arrange.
11 December - Exhibition celebration (opening of exhibition, closure of work in progress?)
12-14 December - The work stays up for display.
15 ? December - Exhibition closure, we take everything down.

The graphics are great except for the head shot - prefer not to be any direct refrence to any one person .,

If you need any images you can get them off the flicker site http://www.flickr.com/groups/507780@N25/pool/

Not sure about a map to make it easier to find , - you decide ,

Plus room for your logo -and the logo of the printing press that we are using .


I am still waiting on a confirmation for the exhibition date, sorry for the delay will let you know as soon as I get some news.


flyer - need feed back ,

Hi guys , could everyone have a look at the submission by lo-tec for the flyers , and could we have a decision on what we do and do not like as soon as , !!!!!!

i am hoping that i can get amendments completed by this evening or tomorrow at the latest , and then on to Ala for printing , ,

Your links and images on web site

Can everyone who didn't give me links to their portfolios online email them to me please?
It is for the links page on the exhibition web site.

Also I would like to get images of you all (faces) to use as an avatar
+ one image you think would represent your photography.
They won't be displayed large so don't send me any huge files.

Please send this to jennierosberg@yahoo.co.uk as soon as possible!

Funging Letter + Breakdown

Hi everyone,

following is the funding letter plus break down. For any changes please contact me.


‘Hackney in Focus’ Project – Funding Request

To Whom It May Concern,

We are 3rd year Digital Photography students at the London South Bank University and at present we are preparing to curate an exhibition from the
5th till 9th December’07. Our aim is to involve the local community of Hackney in taking photographs of their immediate environment. In order to encourage people to look at their surroundings differently we are promoting photography from digital cameras as well as mobile phones. The collaborative work is a progress between students and community members and will be the body of work displayed. This means that the exhibition will be a growing piece of work using images from both parties.

To date we have received significant support from:

Hackney Empire is an entertainment establishment in the heart of Hackney Central and they are happy to provide us the needed exhibition space at their venue the Marie Lloyd Bar.

London South Bank University has agreed to support our project by providing us with the necessary equipment, as well as some of the funds needed.

PhotoBox is our resource for printing images, courtesy of the company.

Lo-tech is a local graphic design agent and enthusiastically offered us to take on the roll of designing our flyer.

Please find our outstanding funding needs attached. To show our utmost gratitude of your financial support we will be including your name, details and logo in the catalogue and website.

At this point we are of course very pleased to invite you to the exhibition. We would also like to thank you for your time and hope that we can welcome you on board.


Jens Poloczek
On behalf of LSBU 3rd year B.A. Digital Photography Students

Contact: lsbu.exhibition07@gmail.com

Funding/ sponsorship so far…

Marie Lloyd Bar of Hackney Empire is providing the venue for the exhibition for free. (Saving approx £750)

PhotoBox are providing us with 1000 advertising flyers and posters free of charge. (Saving approx £300)

Lo-tech, a Hackney based graphic design company will be designing the advertising flyers also free of charge. (Saving approx £220)

Photography/ Media Technicians will supply the video projector, laptop and screen. (Saving approx £50/ day= £350/ week)

Would be Total Cost £1620


Breakdown of Funding Needed…

Prints £150,00
approx. 400 prints 6”x4” + 50 prints 9”x6”

Foam Core Board £91.40

10 Boards (1000mmx700mmx10mm), £9,14 each

Pins £30
1000 ‘fancy’ pins

Exhibition Rail and Cable £60,00
6m (1m=£6,00)

Catalogue £550,00
Edition of 100, 8.5x11, Perfect Bound, 35 pages in Color
The Catalogue will be printed by an online publisher and
can be re-ordered on demand. Any money raised from
the Catalogue will be invested in the degree show.

Drinks/ Canapés for Exhibition Opening £150

Envelopes and Postage for Invites £60,00
(Perhaps the university could let us use the internal mailing system)

Total Cost £1091.40


We went through some important things during the Wednesday session:
(present: Pat, Sandra, Jennie, Ala, Patrick, Jens, Jenny, Alana and Peter)

Monday 12 October at 12:00 in Keyworth, second floor left side, "shoe-box mezzanine" room.

- We have listed what we have so far and the approximate cost we saved. And we made a list of what we need and what that approximately will cost. This is so we know what to ask for when fundrasing (the list is in an earlier posting). Jens and Jenny (and Patrick?) will take this with them in meeting with Andrew Dewdney for fundraising.

Sandra will check these dates with venue to confirm.
The dates the group have decided to go for is:
2-3 December - Preparation
5-9 December, between 4-8 pm every day- Collecting and putting up work in venue.
10 December - Summerise and properly arrange.
11 December - Exhibition celebration (opening of exhibition, closure of work in progress?)
12-14 December - The work stays up for display.
15 ? December - Exhibition closure, we take everything down.

-Alana posts advert in the Hackney paper on Friday.
-Jenn phones Resonance (art radio), Art Monthly, Untitiled, Time Out, Mute Magazine and perhaps other that are found relevant.

Patrick has posted (the one before this) on how the layout suggestion from LoTech will be presented to the group.

Ala will print the advertising cards as soon as the design is finished and approved by the group. She also continues to engage with flickr groups to get more Hackney photos to the group.

Peter and Jennie keeps working on getting the webpage as ready as possible for Monday.
We have to publish it before the 19th of November because the address is in the Hackney paper advert, that will be published at that date.


flyer ...

Hi Patrick,
This is Oli from Lo-tec in regards to the graphic
proposals. Please find attached the pieces we've created so far. Please
note that odd bits of copy on our designs arent completely accurate -
could you just confirm those with us in your reply. Couple of other
things, not by any means wishing to step on any toes but a couple of
phrases used on our designs we thought might work well - by all means
use them if they work for you guys - and in regards to the overall
branding, we havnt used all of the fonts you suggested simply just for
aesthetic purposes.

Let us know your thoughts and if or what changes you need us to make.

Best Regards


--+ Oliver Frape +--

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


hi , i just spoke to (lo tec) and have arranged for a electronic preview of the work they have done to be sent out tomorrow , i will put what ever i get on the blog for everyone to see and hopefully we can get the flyer to print this week end ,


Funds Breakdown and Needs

Funding/ sponsorship so far…

Marie Lloyd Bar of Hackney Empire is providing the venue for the exhibition for free. (saving approx £750)
PhotoBox are providing us with 1000 advertising flyers and posters free of charge. (saving approx £300)
Lo-tech, a Hackney based graphic design company will be designing the advertising flyers also free of charge. (saving approx £220)
Photography/ Media Technicians will supply the video projector, laptop and screen. (saving approx £50/ day= £350/ week)

Would be Total Cost £1620

Breakdown of Funding Needed…

Prints £150
Foam Core Board (10mm) 10= £91.40
Exhibition Rail and Cable 6m= £60
Pins £30
Drinks/ Canapes for Exhibition Opening £150
Catalogue £550
Envelopes and Postage for Invites £60 (perhaps university could let us use the internal mailing system)

Total Cost £1091.40

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Draft text for advertisment in Hackney Today's newspaper

Event/Listing, Arts & Entertainment
- ‘Hackney in Focus’ Exhibition
Date: Wednesday 5th December – Sunday 9th December 2007
Time: 4pm – 8pm
Venue: Marie Lloyd Bar (upstairs), Hackney Empire, 289 Mare St,
E8 1EJ
Contact Info: lsbu.exhibition07@gmail.com / www.hackneyinfocus.co.uk (?)

Brief description (no more than 50 words)

Photography exhibition curated by 3rd year Digital Photography students at London South Bank University - brings together images of 'Hackney' by people with a personal relationship to the area. Explores with the use of cameras in mobile phones, everyone is a photographer.


Email to digiphoto group

Hi eveyone, I've written an email to the digiphoto group telling them about our project and encouraging them to get involved, Just sent it so hope thats ok. find it below:

The 3rd year digital photography students are currently curating an exhibition in the Marie Lloyd bar of the Hackney Empire. The exhibition is taking place from the 5th until the 9th December.

The nature of the exhibition is to take photographs of Hackney, be it done with an SLR, compact or a mobile phone camera... This is to explore the idea that everyone can be a photographer.

We would really like as many people as possible to get involved and we think it would be great if you all took some time to participate. This project is an opportunity for the students and tutors to show their support for each other.

The images you submit will have the chance to be displayed in the final exhibition as well as being included in our catalogue and website.

You can find more information about what we are doing at:

http://www.flickr.com/groups/507780@N25/ (Hackney in Focus group-you can upload images here)

Thanks for your support,
Jenny, on behalf of 3rd yr photographers

letter to LO-TEC


My name is Patrick ,
i am Zara's partner on the flyer's for the In Focus exhibition ,as Zara is away at the moment i will will send you the details that we would like to see on the flyer ,

We thought of a slogan =(SHOW ME YOUR'S !)

ALSO maybe a map might help to locate the venue ,

attached =details of venue .

= example of web site.

= typography style .

so! Sandra said that we can expect something by Thursday, if so that would be great ,,

Patrick .

-In relation to the work that has been submitted to the Flickr site ‘Hackney in Focus’, I would like to clarify our position on who it is that should/shouldn’t submit work to the group and eventually the work to be displayed at the In-Focus Exhibition. It has been said that our position is that of curators, where our responsibilities are to the creation of a successful group exhibition with the main input of work to be displayed being provided by ‘others’ – the public. The original concept was to ask people to send in images from their mobiles, we then do a drift through Hackney and upload our images onto the Flickr site.

As it is at the moment on the Flickr site, most of the work has been uploaded by a photographer called Dinoboy and very few by the members of our group. The work we show cannot be a haphazard collection of images that we put together at the last moment on the night of opening, therefore I feel that we must ‘all’ submit a body of work either by mobile, compact or SLR camera from one or many drifts from across the borough of Hackney so that we have a collection of work that has been derived from sampling the cohort of the 3rd year Digi-photo group as well as work from other people who submit.


Marie Lloyd refurbishment re-open 15/11/07

Hi there, the Marie Lloyd is closed for up to 8 days due to refurbishment.
I will be back again next Thursday.
Don't worry, see you then for a chat.
Thanks for e-mail.


Hi Sandra

Unfortunately all of us are out during tomorrow day.. would it be possible for you to post us the information through our door when you are visiting the Marie Lloyd?
It's - just and amusement arcade as you walk left out of the Marie Lloyd.

Hope this is ok. Also if we could arrange a suitable time to show you our ideas- Thurs before 3 looks best for us at the moment but let us know...


Monday, November 5, 2007

Inviting Hackney Today to exhibition...

I suggested that we invite and/ or try to encourage a 'hackney today' reporter to come to our exhibition to cover our story and hopefully get a positive rather than negative (which i reckon we should and if not it's a learning curve for all of us) review in the paper, i think it would be a great result to add to the post project presentation stuff. Does this sound good or is it just over doing it...?
To Patrick, should we talk about this further or are you good with continuing with that or do you want my help...if anything just let me kno and i'll be happy to help out with it!



Hey all,

as everybody knows Jenn and me are responsible for raising funds. Thinking this task through, we have some wonky accounts in this matter and need to clarify how much we actually need and what for? So far I have taken into account:

-Costs for website
After my calculations it is already covered by the post cards.
(Pete, you can see me about this)

-Printing of exhibited images
This issue is a tricky one, since it is like a growing organism of unpredictable variables (nevertheless, we planted the seed).
Meaning: How many images can fit on that rail? How long is the rail? And what size will the photos be? We are trimming it after all.

Raising money for a post-exhibition catalogue causes some difficulties in addressing the sponsors. Let me try to break down my problem with this. After my information the department at our university will sponsor projects that promote the university and show its contribution into art. Will a credit in the catalogue be the thing they are looking for, cuz after all who is going to receive the catalogue (quantity)? Raising money for a post-exhibition catalogue creates a much bigger money question, considering the local community involved.... unless we stick to the Lulu solution. We need some urgent decision making with this...

What else needs money and how much to make this project run smooth?

Web page Links

Me and Pete was thinking of listing the names of people in the group and links to our other portfolio pages, flickr's etc on the web page.
Can everyone please think of what info they want to have on it, and bring for Wednesday?


Present: Ala, Jennie, Alana, Sandra, Patrick, John, Jens and Jenny.

Wednesday session.

LoTec will make a layout suggestion for the flyers for Thursday. Patrick suggested someone hands over the design material already done = info and text on the exhibition plus the website layout to see if they can interweave some of it in the so it will be coherent with the web page. Sandra goes to LoTec on Tuesday to show material and we still continue working on our own layout in case the group does not find their design suitable.

Will be printed at Photobox (through Ala) and will be single sided photo paper prints.

Jens and Jenny brought fund raising letter and will go round at University knocking on doors.

selling postcards
Three persons handed in their money today. Everyone needs to bring the money they have got as soon as possible(!) and give it to Jens.
Ala £5
Sandra £4.50
Jennie £ 11.80
= £ 21.30 so far...

For the record Sandra made a suggestion that we can post a letter to the Flickr group asking the members for donations. Question raised as a response to it was: how do they donate? Might be tricky to get the money. Could this idea be developed more?

Alana will compose a letter and post on blog for tomorrow, feedback possibilities until Thursday, deadline is Friday. There still is one more opportunity to advertise in addition to this.

Sandra and John goes to see the venue tomorrow (Tuesday 6th) to get the contract signed. They will suggest that we will be in between 4-8 p.m. every day on the 5th- 9th of December. Suggested opening day, with a bit of celebration involved, is Friday.

Patrick was elected the vice chairperson of the meetings.

Patrick forwarded that the invite letter draft is made but that Zara has got the file (she was away today). Can it be posted on the blog?

Patrick has investigated price of printing catalogue 6 x 9, 4-5 pages to be about £250 for a hundred. The group wants to use lulu (online print on demand). One possibility is to put it up on lulu then print ex. amount of copies for the money we have raised, so we do have a physical catalogue to sell/hand out.

Jennie will contact local photo printing businesses to see if we can get photo- prints sponsored by them. It would be convenient to get the material printed every day and put on the walls (boards) gradually. If not we need to come up with other ways to do this, either pay or print ourselves.


Sunday, November 4, 2007

Web page

Here are some pages me and Pete have worked with. As Pete posted earlier we need your input on what text to put on the about page. All pages are still a bit rough, needs some adjustments, but lots of the work has been making the page-structure and getting the linking right. We'll show it in action on Wednesday.

Website Introduction

Here is a rough version of the introduction to the exhibition on the website. Still needs some work and thought it would be good to get some input from you guys...

This exhibition is being curated by third year Digital Photography students at London South Bank University.

We wanted to explore the idea of everyone being a photographer. With cameras in mobile phone now everyone is a photographer. We facilitate the means for anyone to exhibit their photographs of the vibrant community of Hackney.

Now photography belongs to the people we want to put exhibiting photographs in the hands of the people too. On this website photographs will be exhibited randomly. A selection of photographs will also be exhibited at Marie Lloyd pub in Hackney.


PS Apologies in advance for not making the meeting tomorrow. See you all Tuesday.

Thursday, November 1, 2007


I still did nt get the contract sign >:( ! The manager want to take some time to read it even if we wrote it together, I am a bit frustrated. The new person in charge rose some issues about when the exhibition will happen during the day or weekend. I am going back there tomorrow at 4pm. Would appreciate if someone volunteer to come along, so we have more than one in put from the group. I am sure Zara will up date you concerning low-tech, the short summary is they ll be happy to design the logo, post card and flyer but wont print it. They re-direct us to a local print shop which would take around 100£ for 1000 post card. Next meeting with Low Tech Thursday.

Regards, Sandra

PS: call me if you can come romorrow Friday 4PM Marie Loyd Pub

Flyer examples

I have tried several different layouts with text. It was difficult to use text on them except the shadow one, because they have so many distinctive lines in them. Have tried different fonts as well. The top one is my favourite. If you feel you have better ideas ask Ala to email the mosaic photos to you and make an example. Or perhaps the text-logo shouldn't be on the image? /Jennie