Saturday, November 17, 2007


Hi Sandra, Marie Lloyd almost completed, just additional tables and sofas to come.
Still trying to ok the problem of 'hanging photographs'.
Just looking in the diary and it appears that on the 12th there is a christmas party booked form 12 to 2.30.. So the 11th would probably be your last day.
On the 7th 8th and 9th there is a cabaret evening, but I did mention that weekends we get quite busy both upstairs and downstairs.
This should not trouble you if over the weekend you just want to display photographs.
During the day times using the projector should be ok, but obviously busy evenings could pose a problem.
I think that we should just do it and see where the problems are afterwards and make adjustments accordingly.
Will contact you early next week, any problems call me ok.
regards maria


exhibition07 said...

Ok, Just talked to Maria (our contact at the MLB) on the phone. John and I will meet her on Monday 11 am because she is not there over the week end. The date she put up on her last e-mail concerns the projector and she is fine with the print to be hang up until the 14/12/07. They received sample for the rail and have chosen the design for it. The Hackney Empire maintenance guys should be there on monday to talk to us. She apologies oubout the date being messed up and blame it on a bad communication with the Hackney Empire managment.
If anyone d like to come along on Monday they are welcome. (sorry Ala for the scary text about the flyer, I am sure we will find a solution)
Regards, Sandra

exhibition07 said...

Made me jumped when reading Maria's message! Phew! I will meet you guys at 11am on Monday.


Pat Naldi said...

In response to Maria’s message…don’t panic!....

the 11th is the date by when all the photographs are up and then the launch in the evening, so what happens on the 12th will not interfere either way.

For the 7th, 8th and 9th of the 'submission’ dates and therefore a couple of people being there, is only from 4-8pm so that shouldn’t be too much of a problem as the projector/laptop/printer equipment will be put away after that only leaving the photographs on boards. Obviously make this clear to Maria.

As she says the projector during the day should not be a problem but in the evenings and for when the exhibition is set up does concern me as well as her! Will you please ask her about equipment and public liability insurance when you meet on Monday. Also as I keep mentioning most weeks (and there are only 2 and a half left before the exhibition is set up!) security/damage of the equipment is paramount and this will have to be sorted either way by the end of our next session. If you do use the projector everyday do you all know how to set it up and use?

At Wednesday’s seminar we will seriously have to consider other options to the projector once the exhibition is up and running… Their plasma screens were mentioned a while back…do they still have them after the refurbishment and if so could one be used instead of the projector for the slide-show? If not what about monitor and dvd player showing slide show of all the images?

Ok this is an aside about funding! As Jennie wrote in the blog the other day, if you all sold your postcards for 50pence each we would make over £200…money much needed for the exhibition…unfortunately only £40 raised so far. I’m sure we can all agree that enthusiasm for selling has been a bit vague!! So I’m afraid that with so little time left I am going to have to get tough about this…..on wednesday we will sort out who has sold what and how much money each of you would contribute if you were to sell your cards.
It is only fair that you all contribute equally (in effort and money!). Money not raised by selling will have to come out of your own pockets… my advice is get selling!!
