Monday, November 19, 2007

Hackney in Focus Web Site

It is up and running, not perfect, we need to sort some things out with how it runs on Firefox (looks reallly strange). It works fine on Safari. Please can you try it on Internet Explorer and others and leave us some feedback for adjustments. There is also a wordpress blog up: for documenting the exhibition. Same password as for this one.
/Jennie and Peter


Anonymous said...

WELL DONE BOTH JENNY AND PETER , THE SITE LOOKS GREAT , i have opened through the wordpress blog and it looks fine , i will try to open it through other devices and give ye both feed back , but once again a VERY WELL DONE , Patrick

exhibition07 said...

on the internet explorer the hyperlinks don't work, but well done!!

Anonymous said...

it looks great well done!

exhibition07 said...

Well done Guys! That must have been a long week end! The web site works fine (use Safari) only the google map is not showing, I can see the top part but not the rest. Oh! one more thing (sorry) on the gallery after 5min the it is asking me if I want to see more pict so I need to click 'yes' to see more images ( might be a pbm when we project it)

Once again well done!!!


exhibition07 said...

I dont a problem with the map anymore!!! Yehh must have been my computer


Anonymous said...

i am unsure what the blog is for , documenting the exhibition ?, Patrick.

Anonymous said...

documenting the exhibition, when it happening in the venue
