Thursday, November 8, 2007

Letter to LO_TEC


so far it seems to be the second one that is popular ,

with few changes , as the work for the event is to be collected from the public we will be accepting submissions from the 5th - 9th , with the opening on the 11th ,

- also we still lik the slogan =(SHOW ME YOUR'S !)


The dates the group have decided to go for is:
2-3 December - Preparation
5-9 December, between 4-8 pm every day- Collecting and putting up work in venue.
10 December - Summerise and properly arrange.
11 December - Exhibition celebration (opening of exhibition, closure of work in progress?)
12-14 December - The work stays up for display.
15 ? December - Exhibition closure, we take everything down.

The graphics are great except for the head shot - prefer not to be any direct refrence to any one person .,

If you need any images you can get them off the flicker site

Not sure about a map to make it easier to find , - you decide ,

Plus room for your logo -and the logo of the printing press that we are using .



Anonymous said...

I don't think the map should be in it. It gets too messy, we still need to get the logos onto it and the address is there...

exhibition07 said...

I agree with Jennie it will be to messy with map on it and there is address for the website and they can get the directions from there.

exhibition07 said...

one of the things that was a recurring comment on a lot of exhibition reviews was that there was no clear directions to the venue (the one in Dalston for example ) we forget that we know the venue - but others will ask how do we get there ? and will want a easy- at hand resource , abd of course we can always change it , --

Anonymous said...

I agree with Ala & Jennie I dont think we need a map. This is a local work, people from Hackney knows where the Hackney empire is and for other I think the name and the size of the bulding is big anough to speak for itself. Where the 'Dalston' one was lost in the stick in a private space. Finally we dont have place on the flyer.
