Wednesday, November 14, 2007


present: Pat, Sandra, Jennie, Ala, Jenny, Jens, Zara and John.

Daniel turned up to give us feedback from Suzy on what posts on our list are more possible/less possible to get funding for from the University, and what we need to do next.

- We need to try and get the foam boards sponsored by a shop or a company. If that is not possible, we might be able to get it funded by the University.

-Printing of press release letters, envelopes and postage will be covered for by the University.

- The exhibition rail will be paid for by the University. Sandra and John contacts Gordon (who will order it) if it has not been installed by the Venue already.

- Printing of photographs for the walls can possibly be solved by the University letting us borrow one of their printers. The University will also supply us with ink and paper. Jenny and Jens (?) contacts Chris to check the details and possibilities.

- Funding for the catalogue kind of comes down to whether we want to put the money on this now or on a final year show catalogue. Everyone seemed to agree that it is better to save the money for the latter. We still want to do the post catalogue but cut the printing down to a few ex to send to sponsors. It will still be possible for people to order it from LULU.

- Daniel also raised the issues of insurances. We need to get the equipment we borrow insured since we are responsible for it when it leaves the University. There might also be issues of liability if someone gets hurt on the equipment. Sandra and John checks with the Venue tomorrow what will be covered by them and what's not. What's not we need to get insurance for. Sandra forwards info to Jenny and Jens who calls different insurance companies to check what it will cost.

For next week Zara will make a draft for a press release letter and we will have a look at it together in the Wednesday session.
Zara also creates a Hackney in Focus MySpace and makes friends to promote the exhibition.

Sandra and John visits venue to see what it looks like, confirm the dates and checks insurance and arrangement possibilities/restrains after the renovation.

Jenny and Jens will e-mail Suzy of what we will do next to work towards the funding, and asks for digital file logo. They will also contact insurance companies for price examples.

Peter and Jennie works on getting it finished for Monday.

We finally have the correct details as a print ready file. Ala will hand it over to Photobox for printing tomorrow.

We will print the flickr photos for next week so we can start going through them.

Jennie will set up a new blog (perhaps wordpress) that we can use as an exhibition diary and post photos of our preparations and the actual exhibition



Anonymous said...

Do we want the press release as a PDF too? just a thought...obviously i'm only doing a draft at the moment.


Pat Naldi said...

No at the moment just a draft in word document...then after the session on Wednesday we'll also save it as a PDF. However, generally they get emailed out as a word document with image as a PDF. Can whoever has them bring in the logo of the exhibition and sponsorship logos for next Wednesday to add to the press release.