Wednesday, November 21, 2007


present: Pat, Sandra, Jennie, Ala, Alana, Patrick, Aviv and Peter.

Next meeting will be in Hackney. We'll meet outside the Hackney Museum at 3 pm on Friday (23rd) and together we'll go see 'Discover the world on your doorstep' (read Ala's previous post about it). The suggestion is that everyone goes drifting in Hackney before we meet and after the museum visit we go to the Marie Lloyd bar to check it out after the renovation and to discuss the exhibition. We will also bring flyers and find places we can leave them at.

The draft that Zara made seemed to need more explaining of the idea (after looking at an example of a released press release). Aviv will compose something more to add to it and post it on the blog on Friday for everyone to give feedback (before Sunday!).

Ala will send Patrick the logo header to include in the letter (that will be a word doc) and a .pdf version of the flyer that will go out with the letter.
If you want it to be sent somewhere specific, e-mail Patrick the address.

Patrick will subscribe to the Art Council England to be able to post the press release through them, that will go out on their mailing list.

It seems the liability part will be covered by the venue (still need confirmation though) but we know for sure the equipment is not covered by any part. Sandra has got a list of the things and will check what it costs to insure it during the period we use it.

We discussed the meaning of displaying the same images on the projector as in printed format and agreed on selecting images specifically for the projector. This way we can think more carefully on how these photos get a meaningful context in relation/opposition to the printed photos. We also get around the problem of having a computer connected to the projector, using a DVD looping the slideshow. Sandra will have a look at what DVD player we can use.

Jennie posts more descriptive information of the exhibition and how to submit photos on the Flickr group.

Everyone approaches at least two companies asking them to sponsor the exhibition with 10 30*40 inches 10 mm thick (preferably) foamboards. We can offer logo in catalogue, on some posters, the web site and on the wall in the venue.

Alana will contact to see if they can get us on their listings. Alana will also write another advert for the next issue of Hackney Today - deadline on Friday. Everyone distribute flyers.

If you haven't sold your postcards you will have to pay for all of them yourselves (50p each). They were specifically printed for us to sell and raise money to the exhibition, not to keep them ourselves!


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