Sunday, November 25, 2007

Suggestion for pre - presentation .

Critical Evaluation of the groups conceptual and theoretical curatorial approach outlining the aims and objectives ,collaborative working methods and project management of the exhibition event ,

A break down of the areas to concentrate on in relation to the presentation ,
  1. Curatorial ,theoretical approach = what is the theory behind our exhibition = why hackney why community , why /how we showed community , why we chose what we did to show everyone could be a photographer
  2. Method , ( drift , collected images from people taken in the area , ) all the things we did to create the exhibition , )
  3. Digital approach =( digital - ie mobile phones , technical and also theory ,
  4. Practical work . Overall, financial,location , prints, flyer's, who did what , ? how we did what , how was it organized , .,tech , prints , etc,
Each of these areas have to be subdivided and broken down into manageable piece for us to be able to construct a feasible presentation .


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