Monday, December 3, 2007


present: Patrick, Zara, Jenny, Jens, Ala, Pete, Jennie and later Sandra, John and Aviv.

Tuesday 4 p.m. in the Marie Lloyd Bar! Preparation.

For Friday 7th (MEETING AT 10 a.m. in Keyworth) everyone needs to prepare what to say on the presentation, so we can start putting it together in a good order, start practice and detect any missing linking. Aviv will co-ordinate the presentation and make a power-point presentation.
Presentation rehersal MEETING at Monday 10th in Keyworth at 10 a.m.

We decided to make the presentation in two rounds. The first round will be about things like the idea, influences, strategies etc and the second will focus more on the work-functions we have been dividing in between us, remember we're not just describing what we've done, that part also needs referencing and backing up.

This is some of the things we've decided people are responsible for. Prepare for Friday meaning you should roughly know what you will be saying on the topic.

Community: Patrick
Found photography: Jens
Digital photography: Jenny
Hackney community: Zara and Alana
Flickr: Ala
Relevant exhibitions: John
Online exhibiting: Peter, Jennie
Project management: Sandra

When the editing of the magazine is finished (hopefully Tuesday 4th) Jens, Ala, Jenny and Jennie will work preparing everything for In Design and make the pre-press preparations.

Sandra has talked to the venue people about the drinks and they will put in some free bottles of wine and we'll get discount on what we buy. MONEY FOR THE POSTCARDS FOLKS!!!

Jenny and Jens go sort out paying the insurance with Daniel.


1 comment:

exhibition07 said...

ah I can't take a day off work tomorrow so I won't be able to attend to this meeting at Marie Lloyd at 4pm really sorry. I usually finish at 6pm so if everyone's still there I'll meet you later. Thanks
