Saturday, December 8, 2007


I (Jennie) will talk to the venue on Sunday about what drinks and snacks we can serve at the Launch Night. We need to pay for this (they are very kind giving us some, and discount on what we buy) and I want to bring the money for them on Monday. If this is going to be taken care of in a professional way I relay on EVERYONE giving Jens money ON MONDAY! I 'm not going to pay up for it myself and should not even have to worry about it. I know people has given Jens some money already, the list here is just to point at how much everyone is supposed to raise in TOTAL. You probably have an idea of how much that is so far, if not contact Jens, he'll let you know. My personal opinion is that not bringing in the money, is quite disrespectful to Ala who provided us with the postcards. They were produced with the purpose to raise money!

Alana(3x16postcards) = 24pounds
Ala(1x16postcards) = 8pounds
John( 3x16posctards) = 24pounds
Jennie(3x16postcards) = 24pounds
Jens(3x16postcards) = 24pounds
Patrick(3x16postcards) = 24pounds
Peter(3x16postcards) = 24pounds
Aviv(3x16postcards) = 24pounds
Sandra(1x16postcards) = 8pounds
Zara(3x16postcards) = 24 pounds
Jenny contributes by doing the badges for us and putting in £10.

Total= 218pounds!!!!
Raised approx. £60
Missing approx. £160


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Бездельник не имеет право сказать, что живет. Без этого – с работой, которую вы ненавидите, которая сплошная скука, и в которой не нуждается мир – ваша жизнь – ад. Не каждый, пускающий дым в глаза начальству, горит на работе. Кто хочет работать - ищет средства, кто не хочет - причины. Все в ваших руках, вы найдете хорошую работу. Без труда не может быть чистой и радостной жизни. только творя мы можем почувствовать все то счастье, которое дает свободный труд! Хотите достойную работу.

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