Sunday, December 9, 2007

bulletpoints for presentation

Hi everyone!

this is a further breakdoun of the indevidual section into bulletpoints.
Please try and stick to them as much as possible.
any problems give me a ring.

Individual presentation bullet point

Introduction to the presentation

  • Explaining the concept of the presentation.

  • Outlining the presentation structure.

  • Procedures and raising questions.


Historical view on Artistic interventions and the group as a community

  • Art intervention projects in communities.

  • Our group as a community of photographers.

  • The exhibition as interaction with the community.

Found photography as interaction with the community

  • The practice of found photography.

  • Collecting photography from people as social practice.

  • Returning the images to the community.

The Internet as a platform for artistic production

  • The ability to create on the internet.

  • How is it relevant to our project?

  • Evaluating our use of the medium (did we maximised its potential).

Jennie B:
The role of digital photography and mobile-phone photography
In the community

  • Mobile phone photography and the impact on photography.

  • Art photography in the age of mobile-phone photography.

  • Everybody is a photographer.

Flickr as archive and asocial networkspace

  • Adjusting flickr to work for us.

1. promotion through social networking
2. Archival roll of the site.
3. Creative common share and share alike.

Our approach to exhibiting work in relation to other exhibitions

  • Inspirations from other exhibitions

  • Combining new and old media in our exhibition.

  • Choosing the theme for the presentation boards and projection.

  • Evaluating our presentation model to communicate our ideas.

Jennie R:
Our management structure and digital tools of management

  • Group structure of management:
1. In theory
2. In practice

  • Digital tools of management.

  • Evaluation of our group management process.


Technical elements of production

  • Personal relationships with key personals.

  • Adjustments to conditions on the ground.

  • The art of predicting the future.

  • How did we work as a group?

The venue and publicity in the heart of Hackney community

  • The centrality of the venue in the hackney community.

  • Local publicity.

  • Other publicity actions.

Budget and fund rasing

  • Fund rasing structure.

  • What we did without money.

  • Evaluating our financial practice.



  • Coordinating questions.

  • Thanking peopl:
1. Pat.
2. Marie, Chris, David.
3. The Marie Lloyd staff.

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