Thursday, December 6, 2007

Presentation Week 12

Can I please remind you all that if you do not do your presentation you will automatically forfeit 25% of the unit. Only provable absence will be valid ie. Doctors note etc!
So although it will be the morning after the launch…I expect you all there at 10am on the dot… bright eyed and bushy tailed!

A number of you have been asking me about what is expected of the group presentation… just to remind you, all the information is in the Unit Outline. It includes what the presentation should focus on, and how it will be assessed. It is outlined in great detail (including a break-up of the assessment percentages for the presentation), so please read it again carefully and take note!!

To all of you who were there installing the work on Tuesday well done! I think you have made a drab alcohol stained space (with weird rail-poles) look interesting.

Just one thing I forgot to mention that I noticed when I popped in yesterday…..when you are sitting there invigilating/waiting for submissions don’t have your back turned to the rest of the bar…sit there facing out as it were, as you want to be approachable whether it is to submit photos or just to ask about the show!
I’m sure I also don’t need to remind you to be conservative on the alcohol intake whilst invigilating….you are there working and ‘on duty’ representing the University.

Good luck and see you at the launch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"...all the information is in the Unit Outline. It includes what the presentation should focus on, and how it will be assessed. It is outlined in great detail (including a break-up of the assessment percentages for the presentation)..."

...first time for everything...