Saturday, December 8, 2007

Presentation outline

Hi everyone!

This is the current outline of our presentation.

Please identify your own parts in relation to the whole of the presentation and try to direct your talk to the relevancy of the subject in relation to our exhibition.

Some subjects can overlap and cause repetition or even conflict. Be prepare to spot it on Monday and adjust your parts accordingly.

In relation to the subjects themselves there might be some imbalance between talking about the theory and explaining our practice. Be prepare to adjust and change your individual presentation for the success of the presentation as a whole.

Remember that this is a group presentation therefor its success is measured by our work as a team and not our individual efforts. that will be assessed in other ways.

Presentation outline:

1. Aviv: Introduction to the presentation.

2. Patrick: Historical view on artistic production and collaborations in the context of community and our group project.

3. Jense: Found photography in relation to engagement with the community.

4. Peter: The internet as a digital tool of artistic production in relation to our exhibition.

5. Jennie B: The role of digital photography and mobile phone photography in our exhibition.

6. Ala: Flickr as archive and a social networking for our exhibition.

7. John: Our curatorial approach to exhibiting in relation to other exhibitions.

8. Jennie R: Our digital approach to Curatorial management.

9. Sandra: Outline of our management process.

10. Alana: The venue and publicity in relation to the community.

11. Zara: Budget and fund rasing.

Please contact me for any help in relation to the presentation.



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