Monday, October 8, 2007

Venue has been confirmed :)

Ala joined me for the meeting today with Shiek (man responsible for the exhibition space at Marie Lloyd Bar) and his colleague. It has been confirmed, the exhibition space will be ours from the beginning of December for 2 weeks (yay!) enough time for us to prepare. I handed in the proposal which I had rearranged from the Heygate proposal and included our Photographic Culture blog address ( for them to view. Ala also brought in samples of the work produced previously for the Elephant & Castle project to show them - they really like our ideas and would love for us to use their exhibition space upstairs. Ala will update you guys further on what had been discussed during the meeting. Ciao.


Just a quick suggestion, what does everyone think about setting up a jumbo sale to raise some quick money for our project?!

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