Monday, October 8, 2007

place for the exhibition confirmed

So yes, we have the space!uff
we can use it for two weeks( between 1-14 December), we have all the meeting recorded, so I will try to post it soon.
there are things we should do regarding the place:
- upstairs area is very dark, so we will have to get some spot lights
- we have to decide how many prints do we want, what size and in which frame( I will have to talk to Photobox about frames, they just have black and silver frames, the biggest size is 20in x 30in)
- Shiek(guy how is managing the place) said that probably there will be a big plasma TV, so if we want to have some slide shows running on it it won't be a problem(but that's not confirmed)
More or less that's it, we have to start working!!


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