Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Session week 3

Proposal Collaboration Project

Working Title

Venue: Hackney Empire

Date: 07.12.2007 - 14.12.2007


• Drifting
• Digital
• Community
• Local Residents
• Local Interaction
• Progressive over time
• Interactive
• Collaborative
• Intervening Event

An interactive exhibition involving people who live and work in Hackney. Students will co-collaborate with locals to construct a picture of Hackney that will progress throughout the exhibition.

1. Drift in Hackney
2. Processing images for display
3. Encourage locals to add images to the exhibition

Pete/Jennie – Website
Jens/Jenny – Treasurer
Alana – Hackney Gazette
John – Technical budget
Patrick - Target Audience and Invitations

1 comment:

Pat Naldi said...

Forgot to mention in our session this morning...when you next meet again with the organisers at the Hackney Empire ask them for both your assurance and theirs to confirm in writing to you that you will be using their exhibition space...with the dates. Obviously as well as this being an agreement it will also be a good piece of record/evidence to have for the project records.