Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Draft proposal for using a Heygate flat for our gallery

This is a group project as part of the third year Digital Photography course at London South Bank University. Our brief is to develop and realise a photographic exhibition. The group has previously worked on site-specific community based photography focused on Elephant and Castle. We are keen to continue developing this work into an exhibition, the general theme of which being ‘community.’ We intend to encourage local people to contribute to the photography on display as well as work by ourselves. We would like to connect the concept of the community’s involvement with the exhibition and the physical space it is displayed in. We therefore ask for your endorsement for us to use one of the vacant flats in the Heygate Estate to hold the exhibition in.

While we understand this may be an irregular use for the flats but we feel that the exhibition could have a positive impact on the community and its representation in this period of change.

We would like to use the flat for at least a week in early December. This will give us time to prepare the exhibition and for it to be open to the public for several days.

We thank you for kind consideration in this matter,

Yours faithfully,

Jennie Rosberg, LSBU third year exhibition committee.

1 comment:

paula roush said...

this is really great project and I love the idea that you will be developing the 2nd year project. Let me know if you need any support with it. In the meantime i will send the blog's url to people who contacted me asking where you are with your project. I am wondering if you already have the contacts for the managers of the heygate estate?