Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Ok the name is Hackney In Focus. Don't like it? Too late.

The Flickr group that participants will upload their pictures to is also called Hackney in Focus. Join it here.

Also the web address is purchased and ready. It is, yes, Hackney In Focus.


exhibition07 said...

I do like it, I think Hackney in focus is not bad(anyway it was one of my proposition for the venue name:)
Also the photo of the shadow can work fine on the promotional flyer.


Anonymous said...

I ve just added my pictures to the group but they dont show up when I click on this link???

Smadiot said...

I ve just went on flickr and searched pictures under the Tag hackney, there is a lot of them. Shall we invite them to the Hacken in focus group? I tried to do it but cant coz I am not an animistrator. There are flickr groups working on the hackey subject that could be another public