Sunday, October 7, 2007

Friday Meeting

Just a few lines of what was said on Friday 5/10/2007:

*Alana has been in contact with person responsible for exhibition space in Hackney,
the venue is availible when we need to use it. Alana and Ala prepare a proposal (theme: community) for a meeting with them on Monday.

*Peter and Jennie have made a proposal to use the Heygate Estate. Peter posted it on the blogger. The community is the focus in what our work will be about. This proposal can be used for other venues with some alterations.

*Patrick was abscent but Jennie put forward what he had to say about the Heygate Estate. He had been in contact with someone he knows in Southwark Council. It seems there are a lot of issues surrounding the use of a flat but possibilities for use of other spaces. More info from Patrick on Monday.

*Ala and Jenny - Postcards. Everyone give their photos to Ala who will print them over the weekend. Suggested price selling them for is £1.

* John - Mobile exhibition. There are problems with sending flash to mobile phones because different phones have different size formats on their screens. This problem would mean us having to investigate which phones are the most common etc. John keeps on investigating the possibilities. Is there a way of getting around this problem?

* Ala - Promotional prints and posters. There is a deadline for when we need to get the prints done because of a greater demand on prints closer to christmas. We need to get them done in November at least two weeks before we need them.

*Everyone! Come up with ideas of how to raise money.

Add or change if you think I have left something out or gotten it wrong. Just writing this down and posting it to be able to see what we are doing and what needs to be done.


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