Saturday, October 13, 2007

Meeting at the Hackney Empire

12/10/2007 Hackney Empire

At the end of the meeting, that kind of turned into several small discussions, we concluded that:

Pete and Jennie make design/function drafts for the webpage and shows the group on Friday next week. The group decides which one to go for and make comments on other adjustments needed.

Pete and Jennie also sets up a Flickr group which is to function as our image library for the exhibition. People upload their photos on their own flickr:s and submit them to the group. That way we don't have to feel limited by the amount of photos one can upload.

Ala and Alana keeps in touch with the manager of the space for a dialogue about how we display the photos. Since the place will be newly refurbished we can't do any damage to the walls. Think of possible ways of display...

John and Aviv investigates the technical possibilities/limitations that comes with our use of the space. Display on plasma-screen, computer use etc.

Sandra documents (filming, sound recording) and collects documentation from everyone. When doing work apart from the group, please make a video-clip and take some images on your mobile-phone/cameras and send it over to Sandra. Also keep Sandra informed of meetings in the smaller groups so she has the possibility to document that as well.

Patrick takes help from Zara with the invitations and the research that needs to be done for that.

Jens and Jenny keeps checking the possibilities to get funds for the project and treasures the money that we raise.

New price suggested for the postcards is 50p. Can you sell them for £1 each (or even more) thats totally fine of course! Everyone brings their postcards on Monday so we can make packages we can sell for special prices.

Also there are a few things we all need to think of and contribute to:

Please post your suggestions for names of the exhibition!

Do we need to name the group? Think of a name for that as well!

Hope I did not forget anything, in that case you make a new post addressing it.


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